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2007-02-11 [Angelis Nightfall]: I'm going to go get a quick shower to wake myself up 7 to clean up, but go on & post & i will post back when i return i'm staying logged in though ok.
2007-02-11 [Elwyne]: Fine with me! I'll see you then!
2007-02-11 [Angelis Nightfall]: I'm back & wow do i feel better, but still yucky alittle ** growls at headach. **
2007-02-11 [Elwyne]: oh poor Night Angel (pats shoulder comfortingly then offers hug) I hope you feel better with your headache soon. I hate headaches.
2007-02-11 [Angelis Nightfall]: Yea i just hope it stays small, because if it gets any bigger & heavier on my head i will more than likely pass out like usual when they get that way.
2007-02-11 [Elwyne]: Yeah, me too. Aargh!
2007-02-11 [Angelis Nightfall]: Yea ** sighs **
2007-02-11 [Elwyne]: Ejjanoh still has an ace up his sleeve for your information. Just in case Necious has some way of detecting it, Neither of the two Ejjanoh's that are left are the real Ejjanoh. He made himself invisible and pulled the golems of himself from his home tower. The real Ejjanoh by now has snuck up on and rebound (and gagged) Deltira. This time without magic except a touch to keep her mind silent and undetectable to Necious, and he's attempting to get her out of there. He's being hampered by the magic proof mecha dog that Del created.
2007-02-11 [Angelis Nightfall]: Oh jot, Necious is not going to be happy.
2007-02-11 [Elwyne]: nope, he's not. And I can tell you that Deltira's about ready to kill herself.
2007-02-11 [Angelis Nightfall]: kill herself?
2007-02-11 [Elwyne]: Not kill herself I should have put a comma in there as in she, herself, is ready to kill or hurt something. Is that better?
2007-02-11 [Angelis Nightfall]: Yea much better i was confused there for a moment.
2007-02-11 [Elwyne]: good, sorry for the confusion!
2007-02-11 [Angelis Nightfall]: ** rubbs my head & sighs **
2007-02-11 [Elwyne]: oh, still having a headache? Is it getting worse? Maybe you should lie down. (goes to get a cup of soothing tea for Night Angel)
2007-02-11 [Angelis Nightfall]: Yea it's getting worse, it sucks.
2007-02-11 [Elwyne]: poor Night Angel (hands the tea to her)
2007-02-11 [Angelis Nightfall]: ** takes the tea & sips at it. ** Thanks Elwy
2007-02-11 [Elwyne]: anytime!
2007-02-11 [Angelis Nightfall]: Oh boy is he ticked beyond anything you can imagin.
2007-02-11 [Elwyne]: Uh oh, the jealousy ploy
2007-02-19 [Angelis Nightfall]: ok i am confused.
2007-02-20 [Elwyne]: Ejjanoh's finally splitting while he's still alive and know's some of Necious's strengths and weaknesses from watching. He's going to study up on runes that might work better on him and then come back for Deltira when he beleives he's ready. It's the way he does things, he's not so much into the effort unless it's sticking his nose in books.
2007-02-20 [Angelis Nightfall]: ok
2007-03-01 [Elwyne]: dear, I'm sorry to say this but I might not be able to get on for a while. I'm moving my sister and neice back into the house and my room and her room are getting switched cuz she and Alyssa need the largest. Plus I'm getting jungle gymized by my neice.
2007-03-07 [Angelis Nightfall]: Lol thats all good.
2007-03-19 [Angelis Nightfall]: Hey was just browsing through my wiki page & saw this & figured i would see if it was posted on.
2007-03-23 [Elwyne]: Thanks for making a new wiki history page.
2007-03-23 [Angelis Nightfall]: Yupeprs no problem Elwy.
2007-03-23 [Elwyne]: I'm still thinking of a response, which might take a while. Unless you want to pull out your bad guy.
2007-03-23 [Elwyne]: ooh, I have to go. Doing dishes.
2007-03-23 [Angelis Nightfall]: Ok just take your time & post when you can ok.
2007-03-23 [Elwyne]: gotcha
2007-08-13 [Elwyne]: oof, now I'm stuck! How'm I supposed to reply to that?
2007-08-13 [KnightAngel]: Yeah sorry forgot about that ^^' Is a bit tired :P
2007-08-13 [Elwyne]: oh, hope you feel better then. Sorry it took so long been showing sister some art pages. Still will when she gets back
2007-08-13 [KnightAngel]: Yeah, just slightly drowsy earlier that's all, slightly tired a bit still but it's better ^^
2007-08-13 [Elwyne]:
2007-08-13 [KnightAngel]: Gildor is so mean XP
2007-08-13 [Elwyne]: yes, and I just had to add that windows part
2007-08-13 [KnightAngel]: *chuckles* Hehe okay, that also makes it more fun XP
2007-08-13 [Elwyne]:
2007-09-08 [Angelis Nightfall]: Can someone plz tell me what has gone on here without me i'm back for good so yea
2007-09-10 [Elwyne]: sorry, moved the play we were doing into history, so I could play for a while with Knighty
2007-09-10 [Angelis Nightfall]: It's all good, i was just very confused is all. ** hugs you & smiles glad to see you again.**
2007-09-10 [Elwyne]: (hugs back) you too, I was wondering where you were... well except when I had to go away for a while.
2007-09-10 [Angelis Nightfall]: Yea i moved back home to good old Georgia & i have a new boyfriend now, he is a sweetie. I had to go without net for a while, but i have it back once again.
2007-09-10 [Elwyne]: I was moving with my family to a larger house so I was also gone for a while. Welcome back!
2007-09-10 [Angelis Nightfall]: Welcome back to you to!
2007-09-11 [Elwyne]: thanks!
2007-09-11 [Angelis Nightfall]: Yuppers!
2007-09-12 [Elwyne]: You're welcome to come in as a different character and join us!
2007-09-12 [Angelis Nightfall]: Oh really? Yet tell he what all is going on here with them & i will see if i can do that.
2007-09-12 [Elwyne]: Gildor came to visit Deltira and invited her out for dinner since she didn't have anything eatable in the house and they're kinda flirting in the restaurant while terrorizing the locals.
2007-09-12 [Angelis Nightfall]: Ok so i will have to bring in a new character then.
2007-09-15 [Elwyne]:
2007-10-02 [Angelis Nightfall]: Kelsey Londavin is my characters name, she is a shape-shifter & yea you will find out more about her as things move along.
2007-10-02 [KnightAngel]: Okay :P Cool XP
2007-10-03 [Angelis Nightfall]: Knight went to bed, he is very tired & about to fall asleep at the computer. He said he will be on later, after he gets some sleep.
2007-10-03 [Elwyne]: ok, and what Del put in the bowl was a general medicine that she keeps on her for emergencies. Not poison or anything... although it might be a bit buggy. Can't garauntee that something unusual won't happen, but it won't be permanent or harmful.
2007-10-03 [Angelis Nightfall]: what kind of meds though?
2007-10-03 [KnightAngel]: Yeah and I have awoken now after 13 hours of sleep ^^'
2007-10-03 [Elwyne]: nice! WB Knight! And the meds are a general any problem med, but only works for a couple hours. That's so Deltira after taking can get somewhere to take care of the real problem.
2007-10-04 [Angelis Nightfall]: Kelsey isn't doing to good in this RP, so maybe i will kiss her off in this one or better yet seeing as i hate killing my characters, i might make her disappear from the picture. ** Thinks of how to do it. **
2007-10-04 [Elwyne]: You're free to bring in another character if you want.
2007-10-04 [Angelis Nightfall]: I'm thinking about it, but who should i bring in?
2007-10-04 [Elwyne]: Someone as crazy as Gildor and Deltira probly!
2007-10-04 [Elwyne]: Or someone who needs their help...
2007-10-04 [Angelis Nightfall]: Yea i'm thinking about it, but i don't have anyone as crazy as them.
2007-10-04 [Elwyne]: Well you can always create a new experimental character
2007-10-04 [KnightAngel]: *chuckles* that's true ^_^
2007-10-04 [Angelis Nightfall]: Yea true, but i already have like 27 characters & i still have more i wish to create, yes i know i'm crazy.
2007-10-04 [KnightAngel]: *chuckles* that's okay XP I don't even know how many I have XP
2007-10-04 [Elwyne]: I know how that is. I write down the characters I use the most, but I have plenty of others. You could take one of your current characters and adapt them a bit. Like I did with Moonrose, I needed an evil character and I took the dominant negative traits of Moonrose and exaggerated them and changed some other details and created her evil twin, Aoris.
2007-10-04 [Angelis Nightfall]: Well in truth i have 32 characters, so yea i really do have a lot of them & yet i still want more!
2007-10-04 [KnightAngel]: *chuckles* XP
2007-10-04 [Elwyne]: Writer to the core!
2007-10-04 [Angelis Nightfall]: Yes totally, i mean i have several books already started on half of my characters & not to mention i write poems & quotes as well as sayings to.
2007-10-16 [Elwyne]: I've got a few novels started and I finished one handwritten in Jr. Highschool, but I never got around to typing the whole thing up. It filled one whole notebook and part of a second. I got a goodly way through a second by typing and saving, but then I lost the disc it was saved on so now I have to type it up again from the beginning. I've got a couple other novel plots with characters and general settings. I also wrote poems and short stories and newspaper articles.
2007-10-16 [Elwyne]: "seeming" would be the key word to that last post by the way
2007-10-17 [Elwyne]: Deltira's middle name should be "Mood Swings Galore"
2007-10-17 [KnightAngel]: *chuckles* Hehe XP Don't know why but I think I agree XP
2007-10-17 [Elwyne]: Don't worry though, I'm not like that myself... (thinks for a second) well, at least I don't think I am.
2007-10-17 [KnightAngel]: *chuckles* I am sure you aren't ^_^ *hugs*
2007-10-23 [Elwyne]: (hugz back) ooooh, almost missed that one!
2007-10-23 [KnightAngel]: *grins and hugs again* Hehe, that would not be good XP
2007-10-23 [Elwyne]: nope, you know me can't get enough hugz!!! (hugs teddy bear Knighty)
2007-10-24 [KnightAngel]: *grins and hugs back* Hehe, yeap ^^ But that's just good :P I love to hug ^_^
2007-10-26 [KnightAngel]: *grins* Who's going to be the shadow? XP
2007-10-27 [Elwyne]: I haven't the foggiest, I threw it in for interest... um... Let's see does Gildor have any former lovers that might be jealous? Or I could always throw in Ejjanoh, who I said was interested in Deltira before, but she's never allowed too close.
2007-10-30 [KnightAngel]: Hmmm... Well he has hardly even been very active so none that I can really think of XP Otherwise I suppose it could be opening for Night to enter ^^'
2007-10-30 [Elwyne]: Do you have any ideas Night?
2009-01-07 [Angelis Nightfall]: I'm lost whats going on?
2009-01-07 [KnightAngel]: It was moved to the history III page :P
2009-01-07 [Elwyne]: Yeah I just cleaned off the page since everything went quiet and I was thinking of adding it as a neighbor to Tavern of the Lost if Thay wanted me too.
2009-01-08 [Angelis Nightfall]: Oh ok
2009-01-10 [Elwyne]: You're welcome to hang around in here all the same Night! You're always welcome in any of my wiki's! You're a good friend.
2009-02-01 [hammersmashface]: lmao oh god we are stuck together....ta
2009-02-01 [Elwyne]: uh oh! (laughing) I'm having fun!
2009-02-01 [hammersmashface]: lol yay i got to read it befor i logged off
2009-02-01 [Elwyne]: g'night!
2009-02-01 [hammersmashface]: oh...you vest is still attached to me huh...
2009-02-02 [Elwyne]: yup, stuff in the pockets and all!
2009-02-02 [hammersmashface]: yay free stuff
2009-02-02 [Elwyne]: be glad you don't have my backpack too, or you'd have to fend off the attack of the rabid squirrel!
2009-02-02 [hammersmashface]: lmao at "fly swatter" umm watsa "oprah"
2009-02-02 [Elwyne]: not entirely sure I spelled it right, but it's when those big fat women with the viking horned helmets sing in keys that can break glass at least when people are making fun of it. You know Brunhilda and the Valkyrie or something like that.
2009-02-02 [Elwyne]: uh oh! Let's see how Deltira's traps will react to this!!! (giggles) I hope I'm up to it.
2009-02-02 [hammersmashface]: ohhhh i know now lol duhhhh lmao
2009-02-02 [hammersmashface]: LMFAS ohhhh my god...i dont know wich trap i should reack too they are all so good...lmao i like the smelly ones and the face paint...hylari
2009-02-02 [Elwyne]: That's Deltira for you! I tried not to use any of her transforming ones though, I didn't think you'd want up a blue half chicken half water buffalo or something of the sort.
2009-02-02 [hammersmashface]: lmao yeah my monster is uggly enuff :P...just a quik question now that the traps stoped am i still laffing??
2009-02-02 [Elwyne]: actually no, Deltira's voice switched off all the affects. Think of it this way... the traps are naughty children that are pulling pranks on the two "intruders" and "mama" just told them to stop. That's how Deltira treats all her machines, gizmos, and gadgets. The paint, smells, and goo are still there though.
2009-02-02 [hammersmashface]: ehhh? didnt see that one coming:P
2009-02-02 [Elwyne]: which one?
2009-02-02 [hammersmashface]: lol actualy all of it :P
2009-02-02 [Elwyne]: That's what I love about Deltira! She's so000OOOooo RANDOM!!!
2009-02-02 [Elwyne]: There! My final post of tonight!
2009-02-04 [hammersmashface]: oh no it says this page is too long...that means we have RPed too much and the server cant handle it...now the internet around the world will crash...millio
2009-02-04 [Elwyne]: lol! No it just means that I have to make a new history page soon. Goof!
2009-02-04 [hammersmashface]: oh...*looks around i knew that...thats wat i was trying to tell you :P
2009-02-04 [Elwyne]: of course (sarcastic sounding tone)
2009-02-04 [Elwyne]: I'll have one up in a jif
2009-02-04 [Elwyne]: Welcome back Knighty! Is that Gildor by any chance?
2009-02-04 [KnightAngel]: *Chuckles* Who else could it be with Deltira, or rather so friendly towards her considering both her craziness and her traps XP And who else would be able to make it past them?
2009-02-04 [Elwyne]: well, she did turn them off for the time being. But yeah no one else is quite so... calm around her. Can we say that he know's Deltira, but at this time doesn't know Elwyne? Cuz Elwyne doesn't remember Deltira right now.
2009-02-04 [KnightAngel]: *nods* Sure and well if he was behind her like that he probably got in before the others and snuck somewhere where he hid :P Or something mumbojumbo like that XP
2009-02-04 [Elwyne]: or he magically teliported or something! Deltira is going to have even more fun now that she has Gildor to torment! (and me too incidentally)
2009-02-04 [KnightAngel]: *chuckles* Exactly and I can imagine that dear Elwy XP
2009-02-04 [Elwyne]: (laughing) unfortunatly now 13th had to leave until tomorrow. (sigh) and I was sooo looking forward to playing with everyone.
2009-02-04 [KnightAngel]: Yeah but we just have to wait till tomorrow then ^_^
2009-02-04 [hammersmashface]: im sorry guys it was VERY important...ot
2009-02-04 [hammersmashface]: ohhhhh i know you knightangel...
2009-02-04 [hammersmashface]: ohhhhhhhhhhhhh
2009-02-04 [Elwyne]: Deltira has also referred to you as a turtle and a cow if you remember.
2009-02-04 [hammersmashface]: yeah i do lol but at first i didnt think she was talking about me this time...i realy thought she had a giant gerbil who was geting in trouble :P
2009-02-04 [Elwyne]: Knowing Deltira that could quite possibly be true, but the gerbil wouldn't be a gerbil but someone who'd messed with her machines.
2009-02-04 [Elwyne]: As for Gildor's character profile let me see if I can find it... It could be in Ansalon
2009-02-05 [Elwyne]: ok, I'm going to guess we'll have to let Knight post next, cuz I don't have a response for either Elwyne or Deltira
2009-02-05 [hammersmashface]: lol sorry (i mean "my bad") i got all dramatic huh? ok ill stop :P
2009-02-05 [Elwyne]: Don't need to, just be true to your character. Speaking of which, what do you think of Deltira? Can you beleive she sprang from the same mind as Elwyne? My mind can be pretty twisted sometimes I guess.
2009-02-05 [hammersmashface]: lolwell lets put it this way at least its not a boring stright line right?i dont think i could of done it...with the other charachter...l
2009-02-05 [Elwyne]: that's just fine. It's said when your character starts doing things on his (or her) own that it has become real and just let it act on its own.
2009-02-05 [hammersmashface]: yeah as long as i dont start sitting here in the dark dressedd like him acting stuff out...*think oh wait...to late
2009-02-05 [Elwyne]: (bursts out laughing) My sister's boyfriend's little sister did something similar. She is trying to write a book with a main character who wears glasses, so she started walking around one day wearing a pair of glasses with no lenses trying to "feel" like her character.
2009-02-05 [hammersmashface]: lol...as long as she dosnt roar at the computer screen and crawl around on all four "reacting" teh event she should be ok :P
2009-02-05 [Elwyne]: (laughing) don't tell me you did that! Tootone must think you're insane!
2009-02-05 [hammersmashface]: lol actualy he plays right along realy..he follow me like O.O wat wat...wats going on...i only do it somtimes tho...today i have no extra energy :P
2009-02-05 [Elwyne]: yeah, I don't really act my characters out myself, but I like to pretend that they're around with me. Sometimes I try to pretend that I am them but it doesn't work too well, especially if people are around.
2009-02-05 [hammersmashface]: yeah see i have the full luxurity of the living alone life...but id probly would still runn around growling if ther was ppl here lmao
2009-02-05 [Elwyne]: that would certainly be interesting to see!
2009-02-05 [hammersmashface]: hahaha yeah sadly imma bad actor...but i CAN make good realistic monster sounds
2009-02-05 [Elwyne]: I can do a really good mad scientist laugh!
2009-02-05 [hammersmashface]: lol my laff sounds stupid...do you remember the movie "little foot the land befor time" the very first one..(i know you do) well i usualy sound liek the one called spike
2009-02-05 [Elwyne]: awwwwwww... I liked Spike, he was adorable... but I'm more of a Petrie and Ducky fan. Small and spirited and oh so cute!
2009-02-05 [Angelis Nightfall]: I don't even remember what happened to my character in this
2009-02-05 [Elwyne]: You could always start over, or make a new one... or you could take a look at the history pages if you really want to know... that's what they're there for after all. By the way... HELLO!!!
2009-02-05 [hammersmashface]: yyyyyyyyyyaaaa
2009-02-05 [Elwyne]: Night Angel and Knightangel are two different people! Night is Knight's sister!
2009-02-05 [hammersmashface]: ohhhhh man lol i didnt even notice that...my apologies...se
2009-02-05 [Elwyne]: It doesn't help that he's not too good with spelling doncha know?
2009-02-05 [hammersmashface]: :(
2009-02-05 [Angelis Nightfall]: Wow i have been confused with Knight so many times it's not even funny any more & i have a tooth ache right now so yea i'm in pain!
2009-02-05 [Angelis Nightfall]: Guess i could create a new character, need to think of one.
2009-02-05 [Elwyne]: oh? Poor Night, I'm sorry you're hurting.
2009-02-06 [hammersmashface]: try sipping ice cold water and let it "Run" by the roof of your mouth...do taht a few times and it will take the edge off for several min...trust me i know
2009-02-06 [Angelis Nightfall]: Not that kind of pain, it's my tooth that hurts & i think i need to go to a dentist like soon.
2009-02-06 [hammersmashface]: yeah it will numb your mouth...wont cure it and wont last long ,but if you do it offten it realy helps...(i have realy realy bad tooth achs)...one time i took a hammer and knocked out one of my teeth ... :(it only made it worse..so dont try that :S
2009-02-06 [Elwyne]: ugh
2009-02-06 [hammersmashface]: well i dont beleave in medicin and it was paining for several days ad i took it out and it felt better but now it hurts every once and a while...so i do the water trick...
2009-02-06 [Elwyne]: (grimacing) ouch!
2009-02-06 [hammersmashface]: actualy the pain of the tooth ach was worse lol
2009-02-06 [Elwyne]: yeah, my teeth hurt sometimes more because I need braces than anything though.
2009-02-06 [Angelis Nightfall]: Trust em water won't help this, it's an infection inside the gum on one of my teeth it's happened before so i think i know wahts wrong. I need a dentist big time!
2009-02-06 [hammersmashface]: *reaches for my tool kit...say AHHHHH
2009-02-06 [Elwyne]: (runs and hides under a chair)
2009-02-08 [Elwyne]: If you really want to be able to speak, or at least understand things, here's your chance. On the other hand you could always eat the muffin and then nothing at all happens, or something totally different might happen, or then you might not even eat it... It's entirely up to you.
2009-02-08 [hammersmashface]: ahhahahahah at teh tossing food imma reply to taht one wen i get back hahahah
2009-02-08 [Elwyne]: I'm glad you thought it was funny.
2009-02-08 [hammersmashface]: awwww she DOSE like us :P
2009-02-08 [Elwyne]: She does, but she won't admit it. Not to anyone, and if you mess with one of her machines she most definitly will not like you anymore, and that's when you'll really have to get worried.
2009-02-12 [Elwyne]: There! Two nice long posts for you to read tomorrow! I hope you enjoy them!
2009-02-12 [hammersmashface]: :) yes yes very enjoyable...go
2009-02-13 [Elwyne]: ok! I was babysitting late this evening I hope you weren't bored stiff without me.
2009-02-15 [Elwyne]: Just checking, but you weren't really trying to say squirrel were you? That's what it looked like it was trying to say, so that's what Elwyne heard.
2009-02-15 [hammersmashface]: lol actualy i ment it as a sound you stomach makes :P
2009-02-15 [Elwyne]: (laughing) Oh! I KNEW I was wrong, I just knew it, but... Oh my goodness that's NOT what I expected.
2009-02-23 [hammersmashface]: hmm maybe thos colors are cause we didnt RP in so long and now the food is spoiled ?? (HA!)
2009-02-23 [Elwyne]: no, Deltira's food is always odd to look at, that doesn't mean it's bad to eat though.
2009-02-23 [hammersmashface]: :)
2009-02-26 [hammersmashface]: *sqeels eeeeeeeeeeeeek a quest???for a flut box *jumps up in the chair...
2009-02-26 [Elwyne]: jumps up in the chair? How'd you do that? (teasing) I think you meant air... I hope, and yes a quest to find a flute tube so monster can speak as well as understand.
2009-02-27 [Elwyne]: Knighty came on again! (grin) Sorry, we kinda left you behind. (looks sad)
2009-02-27 [KnightAngel]: It's okay, like I explained to 13 then I was out of internet connection :P
2009-02-27 [Elwyne]: oh! Well, I missed you!
2009-02-27 [KnightAngel]: I missed you too Elwy :P *hugs* I hope I get a little more time online lately and maybe next week or the one after internet connection at home as well :P
2009-02-28 [Elwyne]: (hugs Knighty) Me too!
2009-03-01 [hammersmashface]: can you do me a big personal faveor and take all this and make a history with it...:)
awwwwww that is great i like that butterfly thing...i was thinking somthing compleatly diffrent but yours is way better...
2009-03-01 [Elwyne]: thank you! (grins) I'm glad you like it. I just thought of it all of a sudden.
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